5 Easy ways to enhance digital experience for customers

12th june 2021 

Brand content, easy usage, interaction with the customer, functionality and user experience plays an important role in enhancing customer’s digital experience. BUT HOW?
It’s a long process but keeping some important points in mind and optimizing on a regular basis, one can achieve a great digital experience for its users.

Here are 5 key pointers that will help with tips and ideas about how you can enhance the digital experience.

  • Understand what works and what doesn’t
  • Avoid paragraphs
  • Simply interact
  • Create an emotional connect
  • Easy usage

Let us know it in depth to understand it better

1. Understand what works and what doesn't

An important factor is to understand the target customers and their behaviours in order to completely study the aspect of digital experience. This can be achieved well by crafting a customer journey map as per individuals demand and requirement.
In order to provide the best digital experience, a customer journey map can actually help to connect with the customers emotionally and identify the gap between the communication of product/services. Resulting in higher customer satisfaction and an increase in user interaction.

ways to enhance digital experience

2. Avoid paragraphs

Say NO to paragraphs.
In the present lifestyle, everyone wants to know more information but in less text.

The easy ways to represent text can be with infographics, gif, video, and many more to connect with the customers directly. In some cases where it is important to write content, include only small text or small paragraphs instead of long paragraphs. Users only read the most important content, if there are long paragraphs, they might get bored or don’t read your content. You should find ways to shorten your long paragraphs.

Some tips to shorted long paragraphs:

  • Convey your thoughts very precisely, short and to the point and divide long into small units.
  • Tweak them, find ways to shorten your paragraphs by rephrasing and rewriting.
  • Use bullet points whenever possible, break your points into   2-3 shorter paragraphs, which also helps users to understand your content.
  • If you have long paragraphs, divide them into different parts by combining them together and make shorter paragraphs and make bullet points.
  • Keep a balance between your paragraphs in the bullet points.

3. Simply interact

Interaction is also an important factor in users engagements, whether it’s a product or a service. Having interactive elements encourage customer’s rate of returning back.
Being interactive, allows users to choose their own story, location, search, Q&A, share feedbacks and reviews, giving them a personalized experience. That positive experience gains the trust of customers and promotes the final purchase.
Gamification is one of the leading trends of the interaction industry. It helps in grabbing attention and connecting emotionally without any age barrier. A brand can often offer exciting rewards, points as a part of the strategy for easy engagement. Some of the best examples of gamification on the website and app are Google’s Read along, Foursquare, Reddit, and Bruno Simon’s portfolio. These websites have strategically used personalization/avatars, badges, points, leaderboards, coins and multiplayer strategy to increase engagement with the user and promote them to simply interact.

4. Create an Emotional connect

According to Google, in order to build an emotional connect, the brands product/services need to be easily usable, equitable, enjoyable and useful. While trying to connect with the audience, remember you are getting judged at every step, for every word, every color and that is impacting the final outcome you expect to get.
To begin with, create an experiential journey, on the basis of the target audience, and their goal to achieve. Make sure to define the customer’s goal, understand their challenges, define desires, and connect to help them find the solution.

5. Easy usage

Easy usage is a basic concept that indicates how easily a user uses a platform (website, app, game, etc.) A study on customer behaviours states that the user must be able to find the right information within 15 seconds after accessing the platform. They also must be able to reach the right place in maximum 3 clicks. This can be achieved by optimizing the ease of use with offering maximum functionality, according to individuals business model.
Next, the user experience comes into the role by paying attention to all aspects of the user experience if you want to deliver a successful product to the market.

According to Peter Morville, there are 7 factors that describe user experience, in order to deliver a meaningful and valuable experience to its users.

Useful: The content should represent who you are, it should be original and fulfil users need.

Usable: The website and app should be easily usable by all.

The user experience Honey Comb

Desirable: All the branding elements, images and value should connect with the user’s emotions

Findable: The content should be placed rightly, with proper navigation on the site and off the site.

Accessible: The content should be responsive to all the devices and should be easily accessible for people with disabilities as well.

Credible: Keep the authenticity of the content, so user can build up trust and believe on the brand.

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